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„Only a well-groomed dog is also a healthy dog.“

In my dog grooming salon Patafou frisé, your dog will be pampered in every way and individually groomed, because only a well-groomed dog is also a healthy dog, able to enjoy life to the fullest. To achieve this goal, I offer a variety of services and continually educate myself so that I can provide the latest in grooming and styling trends for your four-legged friend.

All dogs are welcome, and each four-legged friend receives care specifically tailored to him/her, always keeping in mind, of course, my customers' wishes.

Anker Leistungen


Your pet will get exactly the care he or she needs in a stress-free environment, using state-of-the-art equipment and the highest-quality care products.


by hand for all wire-haired breeds.


Styling in accordance with the breed standard or with the customer's request for styles suitable for everyday activities and at the same time easy to maintain.


Gentle removal of the undercoat. This type of grooming action can be very time-consuming, depending on the condition of your four-legged friend's coat.


Gentle ear cleaning, nail trimming and removal of hair from the underside of the paws.


Thalassotherapy for short-haired dogs and dogs with medium-length coats.


Your little darling may need a visit to the dog salon as early as 4-6 months of age. To prepare him I offer young puppies a playful and completely stress-free familiarization experience.

I will be more than happy to advise you on all the services listed here and, if you want, I can also give you valuable tips for grooming care at home.

It is my goal to make the visit to my dog salon as pleasant as possible for your pet during your absence.

To this end, Patafou frisé is modern and extremely well equipped. 

One more thing: I also speak English, French and Italian at my dog salon!

I just have one request: please treat your dog to an extended walk before visiting the salon to prevent any mishaps!

Anker Über mich

„ As a professed dog lover, it has always been my desire to spend more time working with these wonderful four-legged friends.“


The subject of coat care has been important to me for the last (almost) 30 years, as long-haired Briards have been a part of my life since then. I have tried a lot of things with regard to coat care but did not experienced a real "aha" moment until the first time I took Patafou to a dog salon.


I suddenly realized two things:

1. how much I had done wrong and

2. how much one can do better.


The desire to pass on this experience and to help other dog owners with the grooming of their four-legged friends was born and began to grow in me.


No sooner said than done: I signed up for training in a prestigious groomer salon in Nagold and quickly concluded that I wanted to make this craft my profession as well. I have not regretted this decision for a second.

There I was able to learn everything necessary and much, much more from scratch. For me, it goes without saying that I will continue to use this source of knowledge to keep myself up to date, so that I can consistently provide my four-legged clients with optimal care that is in line with current standards.

Anker Preise


Prices for grooming your darling depend on

1. your desires,
2. your dog's coat condition and
3. behavior during the grooming procedure.

I charge  50,- Euro per working hour.
Hygienic measures such as ear, paw and nail care are included with each visit.

Appointments only by phone or email.

  • Kann ich etwas tun, um die Kosten für den Besuch im Hundesalon zu reduzieren?
    Eine regelmäßige Fellpflege zu Hause kann die Dauer des Besuchs im Hundesalon verkürzen und Ihr Hund wird es Ihnen danken. Das Entfernen von Verfilzungen ist äußerst zeitaufwändig aber auch notwendig, um ein gutes und nachhaltiges Schneid- und Scherergebnis zu erhalten.
  • Muss ich meinen Hund vor dem Besuch im Hundesalon waschen?
    Nein. Das übernehme ich. Beim Baden ist mir die Wahl hochwertiger Pflegeprodukte besonders wichtig. Sie tun Ihrem Hund gut und verbessern das Endergebnis. Allerdings bedenken Sie bitte, dass Ihr Vierbeiner nicht verdreckt und mit Matsch an den Pfoten in den Hundesalon kommt.
  • Darf ich während des Besuchs im Hundesalon bei meinem Hund bleiben?
    Aufgrund der bestehenden Verordnung zur Coronalage ist dies leider nicht möglich. Sobald sich die Situation ändert, können wir selbstverständlich gerne darüber sprechen. Lassen Sie sich auch in dem Fall von mir beraten: die Hunde verhalten sich erfahrungsgemäß aus unterschiedlichen Gründen ruhiger, wenn sie mit mir alleine sind und ich kann mich zu 100% auf das Verhalten und die Bedürfnisse Ihres Vierbeiners konzentrieren, was sowohl bei den Pflegemaßnahmen als auch bei der handwerklichen Arbeit von großem Vorteil ist.
  • Muss ich für den Besuch im Hundesalon einen Termin vereinbaren?
    Ja. Eine telefonische Vereinbarung ist unbedingt notwendig. Selbstverständlich können Sie auch über E-Mail oder WA einen Termin vereinbaren.

Good to know

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Tips & Links



I recommend the following book for professionals and interested lay persons:

Melanie Gohl-Kiechle, Hundepflege - Grooming - professional coat care for dogs



If you are in the mood and would like to discover Heidelberg together with your four-legged friend:
I am not only a dog groomer but also a Heidelberg tour guide and offer special tours for dog owners and their four-legged friends.  

You can find more information here: pfö

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The dog salon is easy to reach by public transportation, and parking is available nearby

(if you are lucky, directly in front of the salon).

I look forward to hearing from you!

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